Saturday, February 9, 2013

Drama Review: Flower Boy Next Door Episode 9

Flower Boy Next Door
Episode 9

            This episode picks up from the last one when Seo Young asked Enrique in front of both Tae Joon and Dok Mi [primarily because of Tae Joon] to go back to Spain with her.  When I first heard her I thought, gosh, what is her problem?  Why does she have to drag Enrique with her?  But later when she left on her own after Tae Joon didn’t show any reaction but a cold “take care”, I realized that what she did was her last shot to getting any concrete proof of how much Tae Joon really values her.  Unfortunately things didn’t go her way.

            Dok Mi, on the other hand, is very hard to figure out.  At least on Enrique’s perspective, it is kind of hard since she doesn’t really say much especially when it comes to her true feelings about things in front of people involved.  In addition, she always avoids a conversation when she is the subject.  Sometimes I wonder, what is she really trying to avoid?

            In that scene, it is very obvious how frustrated Enrique is with her, because he couldn’t see any concern from her—even if it’s just for the show.  But I also feel for Dok Mi because in her state, it is really hard to open up.  It is hard to express what you really feel.  Either she’s afraid of getting hurt or to hurt people.  What happened in her past was just a little too much for her to handle and get over with.  Plus, she got used to being alone and keeping everything inside.  It becomes a hard habit to break.  So when Enrique kind of pushed her to say something about possibly missing him when he leaves, she was teary-eyed when she said, “Sometimes, I’ll be reminded of you.”  Although she tried to sound sarcastic about it, I think she really meant what she said.  She was sarcastic because it was something she would prefer to keep inside.  But there was Enrique, forcing her to spill it out.  I remember when she used to like Tae Joon.  She told Enrique that hers wasn’t an unrequited love since hers is something she started on her own and plans to end on her own.  Could it be that she’s thinking of the same way with Enrique now?  I don’t think it is going to work this time, though.

            Both of them went their separate ways.  Dok Mi was back to her safe zone and Enrique to his apartment across the street from hers.  Dok Mi looked out the window.  Her eyes, looking for that very same person she tried to treat coldly earlier.

            If before the she’s looking out the window to spy on Tae Joon, now her eyes are looking for somebody else—someone she didn’t expect to own a special place in her heart.  When will the old Dok Mi come back?  When will she be ready to free her feelings?   They both deserve to be happy so why can’t they be with who they want to be?  Why should there be reservations?  In Enrique’s case, there is Jin Rak to consider.  In Dok Mi’s case, I don’t know what.  When will she liberate herself from the box she hid herself into?  At times, it is just painful to watch.

            Her reaction after she closed the curtains tells me that deep inside she’s also having a hard time.  She’s having a hard time because there are so many things that she’s keeping inside.  It was a blessing when she accidentally pricked herself with the pin [she used to closed the curtains with] because only then did she let her tears flow.  What perfect alibi to cry. 

            Seo Young can already sense there is something weird or different between Enrique and Dok Mi.  I was stoked by his reaction.  When Seo Young said she can smell something weird going on between the two, at first he gave her a serious look then just like a child annoying the first, he sniffed the air and made a smart ass comment, “The air in Seoul is usually weird, because the air is polluted.”  His antics to hide his feelings are proofs why he was able to stay friends with Seo Young when he was totally into her, even if he knew she likes someone else.  But later on, he let go of some of his sulking.  “She didn’t seem to care that I am leaving.  She just said, ‘take care’,” Enrique opened up a little.  He said it like, “what the heck was that?  “Just like that?”  “She won’t even miss me when I leave?”

            Unknown to Enrique, Dok Mi is not the same anymore, after she got to know him.  Now, she doesn’t even enjoy watching her travel shows alone in her bubble.  It looks to me like Enrique is bugging her brain.  See, that’s what happens when you trapped that strong feeling.  Sometimes, we don’t even realize it until a certain point, like farewell maybe, just like what Jean Paul Richter said—“Man’s feelings are always purest and glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell.” (Source:

            Meanwhile, in Watanabe’s cooking class, the security officer was so cute and funny.  He wants to be around that madam that is supposed to be the owner of the building [pretending to be a tenant].  He’s always tailing her every time he gets the chance even though he knows that she prefer the younger flower boys next door.  I would like to see these two together at the end of the series.  They would be a cute couple!

            Dok Mi who would normally think twice before talking to people, attended the cooking class.  When she came, Enrique wasn’t there.  It was apparent that she wished to see him there.  She even turned and looked at the door when the older madam asked her if he was coming.  Of course, Jin Rak noticed her right away. Jealous?  Unfortunately, at this point it doesn’t look like he has a chance on her.  He should just turn his attention to Do Hwi.  In fairness to that girl, she’s persistent.  She seemed to have known hem even before she went to the apartment.  Otherwise, how would she know that his real name is Oh Jae Won.  Plus, even if she’s kind of kookoo, I think she has a good side.  She was just pressured when she was in high school, that’s why she turned into a meanie. 

            A little later, Enrique came.  He brought a big bottle of wine that was a delight to Watanabe.  He joined in the demonstration like he is a great chef.  He then smiled at Dok Mi.  Dok Mi just looked at him at first but later she let go of a faint smile.  Maybe she’s happy that she has this chance to see his lively personality before he leaves for Spain. 

            Enrique announced to everyone that he’s going back to Spain.  Once again, the sadness on Dok Mi’s face is apparent.  While the others feel regrets [that they won’t get to be with Enrique a little longer], Jin Rak had this cryptic feeling of happiness cloaked in his pretense of melancholy over Enrique’s departure in the very near future.  It sounded dark but it was actually hilarious!  He’s such a good actor!

            The whole group decided to have their picture taken.  At this time, it was clear as a bell that Jin Rak doesn’t stand a chance.  No matter how much he tried to get her attention, she doesn’t seem to care.    He tried to be all cutesy next to her but it didn’t do him any good.   Enrique’s soon departure evidently is more affecting.

            While Enrique was saying his farewell to each and every one, Dok Mi drank continually.  She got drunk but was still able to walk on her own…with… a little… assistance… at times.  Before I finished watching the entirety of the scene, I thought maybe, just maybe, the alcohol would bring out the more honest Dok Mi.  I thought there would be such thing as her blurting out on everyone her angst or something of the sort, especially to Do Hwi.  That would solve even their past misunderstanding, and that would also straighten up the lie that Do Hwi told Enrique and Jin Rak about her [and Dok Mi’s] past. 

            Enrique gave a hug to the guys as his goodbye to them.  He was on his way to Dok Mi when Jin Rak who didn’t even show his interest much on him leaving, stopped him and suddenly acted like he’s really going to miss Enrique.  He’s just so funny that way.  He’s very determined to claim Dok Mi’s heart and one way is to keep Enrique away from her.  Very subtly, he’s guarding Dok Mi like she’s his.  However, not even he can stop the wiggly Enrique.  Well, for one, it would be kind of odd if he doesn’t say goodbye to her when he did to everyone else. 

            Later Dong Hoon noticed that the wine is all gone.  He wondered if they really drank all of it already.  He was probably wondering because he didn’t think de had neither that much nor everyone else, so how come it’s all gone?  None of them noticed, except for Enrique (he will make a comment on it later about her drinking), that it was Dok Mi who gulped most of the wine. 

            Do Hwi took her picture together with Dok Mi.  Both Enrique and Jin Rak noticed her effort to be friends with the latter again.  I am doubtful of her but honestly part of me thinks that she is sincere.  But I am not sure about this girl.  She’s just too kookoo sometimes, I can’t spell her.

            After the gathering at Watanabe’s apartment, they all went to Karaoke.  Jin Rak took this opportunity to asked Do Hwi how she knew about his name.  He inquired if she’s someone he knew but just couldn’t remember because she changed.  But he asked in a very odd way.  Do Hwi who felt like her meanie button was pushed, tried to keep her composure.  Well, who won’t be upset when the questions are:  By any chance did you fix all of your face?  Or did you have an extreme diet?

            When Jin Rak continued to blabber speculations, Do Hwi put an end to it by trying to kiss him.  Before the kiss materialized, Jin rak already covered his mouth with his two hands.  Enrique saw what happened.  The only problem was that, from his angle they do look like they were kissing.  Jin Rak did his very best to clarify things with Enrique.  These two guys crack me up!  They’re like first graders trying to reason with each other!  They’re arguing over something that isn’t even true or didn’t even happen.  After the childish argument, Jin Rak put on his serious face and told Enrique to pretty much don’t show himself to Dok Mi again.  Now I’m not laughing anymore upon hearing this for several reasons.  First, Jin Rak has been noticing that Enrique weighs more in Dok Mi’s heart.  That was very obvious! He can either accept that or continue with his fight. Second, he’s neither her boyfriend nor close friend, so who is he to decide who should be seeing her or not.  That should be all up to Dok Mi.  Third, the reason why he doesn’t want Enrique to come closer to Dok Mi is because he knows that in no time, she will fall for him [if not already].  He’s worried about it, so he’s trying to guard her.  That was just LOW!  He needs to be man enough to compete fairly.  You don’t tell your competition to stop and do nothing so you can win.  That’s exactly what he’s doing and that is just a total turn off!

            On the other hand, I wish Enrique would have said something.  But then again, this is the drama world—where things that don’t make sense would make sense.  Alright, back to my normal self and the show.  The look they gave each other at the end of their conversation, that started as a childish argument, seemed to be the beginning of an even bigger battle—karaoke singing showdown! Oh goodness!  I don’t know what to say.  They were singing their heart out like whoever has the loudest voice would win.  I can’t really tell you who’s got the better voice or otherwise.  I was too embarrassed watching them that I couldn’t even focus on their singing.  Oh, and did I mention I was laughing my butt out too?

            On their way back to their apartments, Do Hwi and Enrique argued when Do Hwi didn’t badge even after Enrique told her to just give up Jin Rak.  Do Hwi, told Enrique that Dok Mi likes her.  He was in awe!  I hope this will motivate him to be more truthful.  He’s just like Dok Mi in a way.  He’s got so much reservation for himself in order to give way to his friends. 

            In this episode, there are a lot of efforts exerted from our two flower boys in order to create a bridge from their hearts to Dok Mi’s.  Jin Rak is now more forward.  If before, he was always nervous, don’t know what to say, and sometimes stuttering in front of Dok Mi, this time he laid it all out in front of her what his objective is.  This part of him, I can’t question.  He really does like her.  I just didn’t like it when he told Enrique to basically not to do anything because he deserves her more than him.  I don’t think so.  Like I said the competition should be fair and the decision should be up to Dok Mi.  Enrique on the other hand even prepared a personalized board game for Dok Mi [with their pictures together and their other friends] so that even if he’s not around, she could continue to work on opening herself up to the world.  If this isn’t showing affection, I don’t know what.  He may be wiggly and childish in the eyes of many people, but the real him is this serious, caring, and considerate person. 

            Do Hwi, however, prepared a party so she could invite Dok Mi and therefore make Jin Rak come as well.  This was an idea from Enrique.  The latter was thinking that all this time, Do Hwi really wanted to be friends again with Dok Mi.  However, Do Hwi seemed to have another plan.  Oh this girl!!!

            Dok Mi’s reaction to both guys is a good indication that she is on her way to her independence from her little safe zone.  However, if there is a Jin Rak to compete with Enrique, there seems to be an addition to the show—Bae Bok!  She is Enrique’s fan who has been following him lately.  I can’t think of how this girl would get involved with Enrique in the future but then again, it doesn’t make sense that she’s showing up in odd places.  I don’t even know yet the truth about Jin Rak and Dong Hoon, and now here’s a new face.  I hope the revelation wouldn’t come all at once in the last episode because that will ruin the ending.  I don’t think it’s a good idea to cramp everything in the end, anyway. 

            While at the airport, Seo Won told Enrique that she heard Do Hwi said that she’s getting rid of Dok Mi at the party tonight.  Then the first, reminded of the past incident when they were younger—the time when they got rid (more like bullied) of their classmate in high school.  Enrique suddenly remember what Do Hwi told him while on their way to their respective apartments—“If reconciliation is difficult, I’ll just find another way.”

In the meantime, Dok Mi arrived at the venue of the party.  Do Hwi greeted her with a big cunning smile.  Then, someone familiar showed himself to the visitor—it was their Literature teacher!  Dok Mi dropped the bouquet of flowers she had in her hands.  In total shock, she was speechless!  Oh my goodness! Who will be the first to save our Rapunzel from the crazy witch and the ogre?!

            When I said, part of me thinks Do Hwi has a good side in her, I take it back!  Once a vindictive, always a vindictive! 

Thank You for reading J  Now, I’m off to the next episode!

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